The following exchange platforms supply AZTEQ with BNB and USDT pairing. Pricing varies across platforms.


We limit AZTEQ listings to platforms who follow security guidelines and operate within international trading guidelines. We strongly recommend to use these platforms for your swaps to AZTEQ.

AMM strategy

We collaborate with partners to provide efficient and dependable liquidity to our exchange platforms, such as Kairon Labs, for a balanced volume throughput.

TOP TIER partners

Our exchange listings are with highly ranked providers with a large audience and security features to protect users against malicious acts and are reputable for years in the Web3 industry.


Our two pair strategy is how we concentrate liquidity to provide smoother trading and less slippage. With a volatile (BNB) and stable (USDT) pair we offer a reliable value reference and make it easier for market makers and arbitrageurs to provide liquidity.


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